INTERACt: Young Adult Ministries (Age 18 – 26)


interacT  is an opportunity for people to come together for Christ-centered fellowship, scriptural-based study of The Word and just have some fun with other people in the same stage of life. Whether in school, working or starting a career leads to a busy schedule, life and rather hectic pace; which is why Young Adults is designed to be a time where you can relax and get mentally and spiritually recharged.

INTERACt meets on Mondays (with additional activities throughout the year), which gives gives the opportunity to address a number of needs for young adults in our church; a couple of nights a month are dedicated to Bible studies while also having time for social events, games nights, potlucks and other fun activities.


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INTERACt Ministries is overseen by Pastor Kevin Schular. He can be contacted by text / phone at (204) 294-8455 and by email or find them on Facebook – WRBC young adults.