RSVP Today – A New Season of Growth: The ‘Main Event’

“As you come to him, the living Stone—rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to Him— you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” – 1 Peter 2:4-5

As we have been reminded in Pastor Terry’s sermons over this past month, God is building up a people – a spiritual house of Christ-followers who will honour Jesus with genuine worship and who will grow in an honest longing to honour Him with our lives.

And in every season, God continues to build His people. In every season, He faithfully guides us and provides for us, using various means and circumstances to challenge us in our faith, to demonstrate His love, and to show us the power of His hand, so that we might love Him more deeply, trust Him more fully and serve His Kingdom more effectively.

In this season, God has been shaping us through a process of seeking His will together. We declared in January 2016 that this was to be a year of discernment, a year in which we would intentionally inquire of the Lord as to how He would have us glorify Him with the property on McGillivray Boulevard that He gave to us a number of years ago.

And so this has been a season of prayer, discussion and faith-stretching. And now, ten months later, we continue on in this process of honest discernment. We know that God could still lead us in any direction on this journey, but it has seemed to us that He is leading us in the direction of building a new church building on that McGillivray property. And that belief has now taken us into a Capital Funds Campaign that I believe God will use to continue to stretch our faith and increase our trust and joy in Him.

The finale of this campaign is on Sunday, November 6th. But our desire is to have a special gathering even before this campaign is over so that we might publicly proclaim what God has blessed us with so far (spiritually, relationally and financially) and also so we can worship Him together, declaring that we will celebrate the consistency of His faithfulness no matter where He leads us and regardless of what the monetary result of the campaign will be.

This special gathering is called the Main Event and will be held on Saturday, October 29th at 6:30 pm. It will take place at Soul Sanctuary (2050 Chevrier Boulevard) and promises to be a FUN and MEANINGFUL evening of worship, special music, compelling sharing and fabulous dessert! There will also be nursery childcare for children up to 2 years as well as separate programming provided for children ages 2 – 9 years (with lots of fun snacks and DILL THE CLOWN!!)


Please let us know if you are able to attend the Main Event on October 29th by clicking here. We desire for this event to be packed so that we might worship our God TOGETHER, celebrate His faithfulness TOGETHER, and enjoy the fellowship of our faith community TOGETHER.

At the heart of everything, we want this evening to be a true reflection of our genuine belief that ALL of this – this event, this church, this campaign – is about the glory of Jesus Christ. Let this be a celebration of the wonderful truth that God has created us to be living stones for the SOLE purpose of being built into His spiritual Kingdom of Christ-directed worship! And it is the building of that Kingdom that is truly the Main Event.


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  1. Great. This is getting so exciting. Love it.