4HG YOUTH Paintball

Hey Parents and Students,

Everything you need to know for Friday!

On the 22nd of October the goal is to meet at PAINTBALL PARADISE for 7pm until 9pm.  The Cost per Person is FREE(!) due to a Generous Gift from an amazing Family from our Church!

1. Please Fill out the waiver (printable-waiver-paintball-Paradise (https://buff.ly/3aerw7G)) and hand it into me before we walk into the building!
2. Fill out the registration form for 4HG (https://whyteridgebaptist.breezechms.com/form/beb01342676679)

IF YOU DO NOT HAVE BOTH FILLED OUT, YOU WONT BE ABLE TO PLAY! So make sure you and the friends you bring (yes, you’re allowed to bring friends!) have both filled out!

If you want to bring some money to buy a snack, or more paint you’re welcome to do so.

I cant wait to see you all there tomorrow!