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I prayed for this

Prayed for 22 times.

Melanie Friesen

From Melanie Friesen: Please pray for my brother Andrew who is a missionary in Chad.

From Courtney Joy (his wife):

Andrew has been sick for ten days running to the bathroom all through the day and night. It’s pretty severe for your average stomach bug. The two medications they’ve had him on to treat for bacteria infections, Giardia and amebas have not worked. Today the doctor came with six IV bags of glucose and saline to rehydrate him. They think it’s one of two things... either while he took the antibiotic it cleared out the good bacteria in his colon and he has C Diff now. Or he has cholera. Both of which require rest, hydration, an IV, and time. Pray that his body will remain hydrated and that in Jesus name his stomach will be healed.

In Africa when someone is sick every neighbour and friend (& sometimes strangers) comes by to sit with you. This has meant our home has been full morning through evening with many from our new community. Many elders from our small local church have come through to pray with our Mus neighbours watching and listening. Pray that their hearts would be stirred that we pray to a God who hears and heals.

Received: January 14, 2020

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