2021 World Watch List Guide

As we finish our summer series on prayer and look forward to our WRBC Missions weekend Oct 22-24th, you may be getting used to various pandemic restrictions like staying at home or attending Sunday service online. For many of us, we are feeling the negative impact of isolation and lack of connection. Our God is a God of relationship and encourages us to form and maintain healthy relationships with our brothers and sisters as well as those who might be outside the faith.

Sadly for our brothers and sisters living in developing countries, the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic is far greater than the impact we are likely experiencing. This situation is more significant in countries where being a Christian is illegal or is viewed unfavourably such as India and Yemen. They are discriminated against and marginalized. They may be refused food, medical care and other necessary aid, experiencing increased surveillance, violence and discrimination, because of their faith.

As you may know, every year, Open Doors produces the World Watch List, which ranks the 50 most dangerous countries to live in as a Christian. This year, the report will include information about how COVID-19 is impacting our marginalized and discriminated against brothers and sisters.

Where is the most dangerous place in the world to live as a Christian? Find out by downloading the new 2021 World Watch List Guide. Here are a few things you’ll learn:

– This year’s World Watch List highlights how the global pandemic has heightened systemic discrimination and persecution of over 340 million Christians.
– In China, the Communist Party extended its regulation of all religions in 2020, and even government-approved churches, both Catholic and Protestant, are under ever-more surveillance, both online and offline. Under-18s are still officially banned from all religious activity.
– North Korea remains the most dangerous place for Christians, having been number one since the inception of the World Watch List in 2002.

As a church family, let’s learn about the persecuted church together and pray with them. Click here to view the 2021 World Watch List Guide.

Haiti Emergency Response and Prayer Points

On August 14th, a massive earthquake struck Haiti affecting thousands of vulnerable children and their families.  Christian organizations such as World Vision are on the ground providing life-saving assistance such as clean water, food and tents for those who have lost their homes.
If you would like to part of the solution, you can donate to World Vision’s Emergencye response as we look to impact over 240,000 of those impacted at the link below:

Donate here: http://www.worldvision.ca/HelpHaiti.


Prayer Requests for Haiti:

Please pray for:

  • Comfort for Families shocked by the loss of loved ones
  • Safe transportation of humanitarian relief and equitable distribution of help to all the victims.
  • Powerful witness of Christian compassion during the crisis.
  • Hope for families hurting in a season of unrest and uncertainty
  • Generous contributions to arrive in a timely fashion for rebuilding, including for damaged churches.
  • Limited greed and misuse of funds and relief materials.
  • Vision and political will for local authorities so they seek primarily the welfare of the people.
  • Political breakthrough and stability through meaningful negotiations among political groups and civil society so that the nation can go forward after the assassination of the president.
  • That credible and experienced citizens in-country and in the diaspora are raised and find visibility as potential political leaders for the nation.
  • Protection from additional potential storms and bad weather

To download additional details, click here: CHURCH Haiti Emergency Response

Far Corners Ministry Emergency Food Relief

The following article has been submitted by Far Corners Ministry:

When India first went into a sudden and very restrictive lockdown in 2020, the effect on the poor was very devastating. That April 2020 we first received a request from our regional coordinator in Northeast India to help provide emergency food relief. This was especially needed for those whose very small subsistence income was suddenly cut off. Just $15.00 Cdn would provide a family with things such as rice, lentils, oil and vegetables for about 10 days. Through the efforts of the pastors and churches that we partner with, food was distributed to the very poor of their congregations and then to the surrounding villages and mission areas of those churches. Through generous donors we were able to help hundreds of families with these basic food staples. It was a truly wonderful way to demonstrate the love of Christ.

India is now facing increased coronavirus infections and is once again dealing with lockdowns. For the poor who are mainly daily wage earners, this is especially hard. If they are not able to go to their jobs, they have no money to buy even the basic food for their families. So we have again been asked to help provide emergency food relief. This has started going out to those most needy such as the auto rickshaw drivers, the tea garden workers and other daily wage earners.

You can give to this need for emergency food relief directly through Far Corners Ministry in one of two ways and know that 100% of your donation will go directly to meet this need. Far Corners Ministry is a registered Canadian charity (#BN812210615 RR0001), and issues income tax receipts for all individual and corporate donations every February.

Etransfers will go directly into the Far Corners bank account by using our email: info@farcornersministry.org. Please put in the message line that it is for food relief.

Cheques can be mailed to: Far Corners Ministry, 33 Byblos Road, Upper Hammonds Plains, NS B4B 1Y1

Thank you so much for your interest, prayers and support!

Shant and Ginny Manuel

Far Corners Ministry

Canadian Baptist Ministries: Bolivia Update – October 27, 2020

Canadian Baptist Ministries Church Engagement Team Lead Adrian Gardner talked to Bolivia Field Staff Bill Dyck and Terry Janke, Lead Pastor of Whyte Ridge Baptist Church, in the most recent episode of CBM Calling!

The conversation revolved around Whyte Ridge’s partnership with Bolivia and responding to COVID-19 as a community.

Check it out!