SONSeekers Missions Update

Hi Parents,

Well, it’s already March and we have been feeling a few “warmer” days lately. At the end of February, our kids had a special Missions class where we talked about different kinds of Missionaries and different ways people can be a missionary. We also talked about how we can share God’s love with others around us and that we can be on a mission for Him no matter where we are! Part of our activity was to pray for one of our WRBC Missionary Families, and we also wrote them a letter and made a big card for them showing how much we love them, appreciate them and are praying for them.

So I wanted to share this sweet card with our parents and families as they did such a great job. We mailed it last week, so we are praying it arrives safely!

We talked to the kids about how we can share the love of Jesus with those around us, but also how can we share the Good NEWS with them. So I’ve included a part of our activity below that you can try out as a family.

Family Activity Idea – Practice being a Missionary:

Take a look at some of the steps below that a missionary might use to tell someone about Jesus. Discuss with your kids ideas of how they might tell someone about Jesus, using any of these steps. Then, pray together and try acting on one or more of the steps below as a family.

– Make friends
– Eat a meal together
– Explore the city
– Invite friends to your home
– Give them a Bible
– Talk about Jesus
– Pray for them
– Invite them to church
– Enjoy their company
– Tell them how to become a Christian

I pray this activity brings meaningful conversations around the table with your kids!

Blessings on your week ahead.

Love, Mrs. Sheilla