WRBC Ukrainian Task Force – Donation Drive August 1 – 19

Approximately 40-60 displaced Ukrainian families are arriving in Wpg. daily. The province of Manitoba, Ukrainian Canadian Congress, the Ukrainian National Federation and hundreds of volunteers are warmly welcoming these newcomers and providing many services and supports as these newcomers settle in Winnipeg or rural Manitoba.

Their needs are many.

WRBC’s Ukrainian Task Force is asking the church to help meet some of these needs. From August 1-19, we are collecting new pillows, household items such laundry detergent, J cloths, shampoo, and toothbrushes. A complete listing is provided on the insert in your church bulletin. A donation box at the church is available.

If you would like to give a monetary donation, 2 trusted Ukrainian organizations are listed and the money will be used for needs in Winnipeg.

This photo is from Ukrainian National Federation(UNF) at 935 Main St. where newcomers pick up cleaning supplies, personal supplies such as soap, toothpaste and food.  The need for donations to help the displaced is great.

SaSample Donations